Backpacker Ukulele Waiting List

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2017:  I’ve stopped accepting new submissions to the waiting list.   The list was getting long,  and my ability to fulfill the requests was limited due to other obligations and projects.  I’m now exploring some partnerships with luthier shops to make more of these ukuleles.  If you want to get in touch with me, head over to the contact page.


Ever since releasing the video about my Backpacker Ukulele, I’ve had people inquiring about purchasing one.


You can now join the Backpacker Ukulele Waiting List.

(UPDATE:  As of right now, I am only planning on making concert versions [the size shown in the videos].  I will also be making the ukuleles acoustic only.  After testing the removable pickup, I’ve found that it makes too much noise since it is not permanently embedded.)

6 thoughts on “Backpacker Ukulele Waiting List

  1. Sean

    I think I would like to join the list but had a question about my intended application. With two young children I thought this might be a quite uke to play after they go to bed. Or play in the background while wife watches tv. Or does it out more sound than I would expect?


    1. danielhulbert Post author

      Hi Sean,

      It doesn’t project a lot of sound because of the lack of a traditional body. It would be a good choice for late night or tv night practicing.

      Let me know if you have other questions.


  2. kateambrose

    Hey Daniel,

    My name is Kate, I am about to go on a 6 month hike (2,650 miles) called the Pacific Crest Trail, and I am a singer/songwriter. I was hoping I could purchase one of your amazing backpacker ukuleles before I leave to start the hike so I can write music on my adventure. I see that you are no longer accepting people on the waiting list, so I may think about making my own, but I would prefer to pay you for your services! I admire your passion for creating and trying new things. kudos to you man!


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